People having fun in front of a big wall of graffiti of three identical faces with red hair

LGBTQIA+ students in New Zealand

The LGBTQIA+ community in New Zealand

New Zealand social life

Coming out as LGBTQIA+

Support for LGBTQIA+ students

LGBTQIA+ rights

LGBTQIA+ definitions

Words about gender and sexuality evolve. The words people use to describe themselves can mean different things to different people. For example, the word ‘queer’ used to be a hurtful insult but has been reclaimed as a way of fighting back against hatred and bullying. Some people prefer ‘queer’ to ‘LGBTQIA+’ because it’s easier to say and covers a wide range of identities. Outline, a national service that supports LGBTQIA+ people in New Zealand, has a list of general terms that people often use to describe themselves. However, OUTLine points out that it’s OK if you don’t feel any of these words fit you. The most important thing is to find the words you feel comfortable with. When someone talks to you about their gender identity or sexual orientation, it’s important to be respectful and sensitive. One of the things you can do to support them is to use the language they choose to describe themselves.

Māori and Pasifika communities

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